


Location : Nairobi,kenya


“Nakupiga exile leo usiku,” was one of the most

dreaded phrases in the campus. No one wished to be
given notice by a roommate to vacate the room to
allow room for a “visitor” of the opposite sex to sleep over. On the
flip side, every male student on campus looked forward to the day
he would use that phrase on his roommate. The joy and pride that
came with exiling a roommate were incomparable on a weekend.
The more times you exiled a roommate, the more respect you
earned from comrades. Those with the prowess of bedding many
ladies were given a standing ovation everywhere they went.
It takes a man with great brains to convince a lady to spend a
night with him on an iron bed, but it takes a wise man to constantly
repeat this feat with different ladies. “The more ladies you bed, the
wiser you are,” so goes the adage. The number of nights you slept
in your room were directly proportional to how often you exiled
your roommate. The more exiles you received, the fewer the nights
you spent in your room, this was according to a research conducted
by The Campus Grapevine, a self-proclaimed official gossip
magazine on the university of Nairobi.
With the number of cars and not just ordinary cars, but
machines parked outside female hostels on Friday evening………………………”




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